16 December 2009

08 December 2009

6 Month Stats

Can you say "Chunky Monkey"?

My main man had his 6 month check-up with Dr. Bristol today. Holden weighed in at a whopping 20 pounds even! He's 28 inches long. That puts him in the 75th percentile for weight and 95th for length. I knew he was a big boy, but I was pretty surprised when the scale tipped 20 pounds. WOW! I went back and pulled Mae's records and at 6 month she only weighed 15 pounds 3 ounces and was 26.75 inches long.

07 December 2009

Lucky 7

Today, Trey and I have been married for 7 years. And today, I love him more than I did back then.

Happy Anniversary, Sparky! Thanks for the best 7 years of my life. I hope we have 77 more...

I love you forever...

06 December 2009

Happy 4th Birthday, Maison Ann!

Our sweet Maison turned 4 today. 4 going on 14... Who knew that attitude and sass would already be a part of our life as parents?

The last 4 years have flown by. It seems like only yesterday that we brought her home from the hospital. When I think back over the last year, I am amazed at the progress she has made in everything from her size to the size of her vocabulary. I am amazed on a daily basis at the things she says! "Well, actually, Mom, I want fish sticks for dinner." Actually? Well, duh... excuse me. And for the record, my name is Mommy. I don't want to hear Mom come out of her 4 year old mouth again. Whenever she calls me Mom, I refuse to answer her until she gets it right.

At 4 years old, she is measuring 42 inches tall (90-95th% for her age) and weighs 37.5 pounds. Over the summer, she had such a growth spurt that I had to buy a second summer wardrobe because all of her shirts were showing her midriff! Daddy didn't like that much, so off to the store we went. I bought her new jeans in September and has to hand them down to my cousin already because Mae looked like she was waiting on a flood.

Mommy and Daddy love you, Mae. These 4 years have been the nest of our life together. Being parents to you and "Baby Holden" is not only the biggest responsibility of our life, but also the biggest honor.

22 September 2009

4 Months Stats

Holden had his 4 month check-up and shots today. We are still fighting the ear infection. I was also concerned about his hearing. The other night, I suspected he was not hearing after Maison let out a blood curdling little girl scream and he did not flinch. So I banged a pot so hard with a wooden spoon that I broke it and he did not hear it at all. I was only about 12 inches from the back of his head and he never even moved. I talked to the pediatrician about it today and he said that Holden has so much fluid in his ears that hearing for him right now is like trying to hear underwater. We got another, stronger round of antibiotics and will see what happens.

Here are Holden's stat for this month:
16 pounds 2 ounces
25 1/2 inches long

In comparison, Mae only weighed 14 pounds 1 ounce at 4 months.

11 August 2009

Reviving the blog...

I have not posted anything on here in a really long time. Life has just been hectic, but after a lot of “I sure miss the blog entries” and realizing I have not been capturing “those moments” for posterity, I have decided to try to get it going again.

I’m going to attempt to go back and highlight some of the major events since December. Specifically our trip to Disney, losing my Nana, finding a new home for our sweet Bama, Mae’s first dance recital, Holden's birth... So much has happened so far in 2009! I have a lot of catching up to do.

Now that we are blessed with two children, I feel like I need to rename the website. I’m not just maisonsmommy anymore and I know I don’t have the time or energy to keep up a blog for her and one for Holden. If anyone can think of a catchy title, please let me know.

20 May 2009

Happy Birthday, Holden!

Happy Birthday, Baby Holden! We are proud to announce that our precious son entered this world today at 6:46 pm. He weighed in at 7 pounds 1 ounce and is 21 inches long. Not the linebacker everyone predicted (which is fine by Mommy!) but still almost a full pound bigger than Maison. I can’t help but wonder how big he would have been if I had made it the 2.5 more weeks until my due date...

So, here’s how it all went down...

The day started out as I expected. Doc Sams came in at about 6:30 in the morning to break my water and start the Pitocin (from this point forward known as Juice O’ the Devil) drip. Contractions commenced fairly soon after and by about 10:30 I was pretty uncomfortable. I talked to my nurse, Pam, about the epidural. I was worried that it might slow down my labor. Her feelings were that it would not and that it might actually help because it would allow me to relax. So, since the Juice O’ The Devil was getting the best of me and I was having extremely hard back labor, I decided to go ahead and have the epidural. At this point I was seriously wondering how in the world women have “natural” childbirth. If I had only known what was coming.

After lunch I was still hovering around 3 cm and was kind of frustrated. I really wanted to have the baby by lunch time like Doc Sams predicted even though I knew deep down it wasn’t going to happen. At least I was more comfortable and I spent a couple of hours e-mailing friends and chatting on Facebook. Technology sure has advanced at the hospital since Mae was born. We had wifi in the room and it was nice to stay connected with the people that could not be at the hospital.

When I was in labor with Maison, my progression really started after I gacked in a bucket. So the big joke with Holden was that I needed to stick my finger down my throat right after the doc broke my water. I hate to throw up. I mean hate it and even though I wanted to do it because I was hoping it would speed things up, I fought it for a couple of hours. Finally, it got the best of me. But this time it did not help. Pam checked me maybe around 3-ish (Everything is kind of a blur as far as what happened at what time, so I am just guessing here.) She said I was at 5cm.

Shortly after that, I started to feel some tightening across my stomach and my back and I noticed that my feet were cold. Hmmm... Why was I starting to feel my feet again? A little later, I pretty much felt as uncomfortable as I was when I had the epidural, so I buzzed Pam and told her about it. She was kind of hemming and hawing to Mom about it and I finally said, “Look, I’m a big girl... If you think this is just me freaking out, tell me, but I really think my epidural is wearing off.” Pam kind of chuckled and told us that she just thought Holden was trying to come through my pelvic bone and that once he did, I’d feel better. OK. Fine. I’m being a Drama Queen. I’ll shut up now.

More tightening, more intense back pain. I don’t give a rip if Pam or the doctor or the Good Lord Himself thinks I am being a Drama Queen, the fact is I am in pain and that darn epidural is not doing its job. I’m flopping around on the bed like a fish out of water, people. I am not imagining this!!! I asked Pam to check me again... which by the way, she is good about doing this whenever I ask. I remember last time I’d ask and they would tell me not yet. Pam seemed to understand that as much as I did not like her doing it, I wanted to know what the heck was going on! Woo Hoo! 7 cm. But call the anesthesiologist, because I am HURTING!!! He looks at me like I’m nuts when I tell him I can feel my feet and the parts I’m not really wanting to feel, but I can’t feel my legs. Says it doesn’t make sense. Well, I could care less that it doesn’t make sense. Just fix it. He tells me that I have two options. He can put a “boost” in the IV and give me a happy button to push or he can take the epidural out and try to reinsert it. I opted for the boost. I was squirming around so much that I was afraid I would not be able to be still for reinsertion and I did not want to end up paralyzed from the waist down! That fine print on the epidural release form... about possible problems... was flashing before my eyes. He gave me the boost and he and Pam left. I proceed to beat the hell out of the happy button. The happy button was not giving me anything! I buzzed her again. I know she was hating me because I kept hitting that call button, but I was paying a lot of money (well, Aetna was paying) for those drugs and they were not working. I asked her to check me again. Surely if I was 7 before I was 9, maybe pushing 10 now. Pam’s checking me and I’m staring her down with this look that says “You better have good news!” Pam’s facial expression is not good. Pam keeps poking around and had a wrinkle in her brow. Pam looks at me and is scared. I know she does not want to tell me what she has discovered. “You’re back down to 5.” WHAT?!?!?!?!? How in the holy hell do you go backwards?!?!?!? Is that even possible? She says the good news is that he came though my pelvic bone. Which I totally could have told her because I FREAKING FELT IT... But his head was pressing up against my cervix causing it to contract instead of open up. She leaves, I’m ticked. Mom and Trey are pacing the room looking at me like they think my head is about to starting spinning around and fire is going to come out of my mouth. Liz was smart and stayed in the waiting room working her crossword puzzle. I’m groaning like a demon has possessed my body. I hear Trey call his mom and tell her not to bring Maison to the hospital because she can’t see me like this. The pain is so intense, that I am starting to think that Holden is directionally challenged and is trying to make his exit through my navel. I prop up in the bed and growl at Trey “Go. Get. Pam. Don’t push the button, walk down there and drag her back.” He darts out the door. They both get back in the room right as I violently projectile vomit a la the Exorcist. If that did not open the flood gates, nothing is going to. I’m moaning and groaning and telling Pam I don’t care if you just checked me ten minutes ago, do it again! Something is happening and if I’m still at 5 you better get ready because this baby is going to be the first in history pushed out at 5cm. I can tell she is checking just to humor me. But then her facial expression shows that she is surprised. She looks at me and smiles and says the two words I have been waiting to hear all day. You’re ready! She buzzes the nurse’s station and the “Team” sweeps in. Pam says she is going to call Doc Sams and I am thinking there is no way he’s going to make it before I push Holden out of me. Mom is on one side of me and Trey is on the other. They are both tearing up. I’m still flopping like a fish. Doc Sams walks in about 6 seconds after Pam went to call him. Thank God he had come up there to check on me because as much as I wanted him to be the one to catch this kid, I was not planning on waiting for him to drive to the hospital.

I looked up at the gigantic clock hanging over Doc Sams head. All day that thing had been moving at a snail’s pace. It was exactly 6:00. I was instructed to push as each contraction started. Were they ending? I mean it just felt like one constant one to me! Trey was on my right and a nurse was on my left. I had a death grip on Trey’s hand and honestly I did not care if I broke every bone in it. I mean he got me in this mess, right? He needed to pay! I pushed. I pushed some more. Doc’s eyes get wide and he says. “Wow. This baby’s got a big head. Good thing we didn't wait two more weeks.” Seriously. Did he just say that? I look at Trey’s head and am instantly petrified. In a voice I don’t recognize, I growl at Doc Sams, “THAT is not what I need to hear from you right now.” He’s lucky I can’t reach over my big belly because if I could I would have clocked him right in the jaw! I push. I push some more. The voice I don’t recognize shouts “Get. Him. Out. Of. Me!!!!” Doc Sams calmly reminds me that I have to push him out. I not so calmly remind him that I am freaking trying!!!!! I look up at the clock again. 6:45. I muster up every last ounce of everything I have in me and push with all my might. Sams stands up, kicks his little rolling stool out of the way and BAM! There is my gorgeous baby boy. He’s got ten little fingers, ten little toys and one little... well, you know... And all of the sudden, he pees right on me with that little... well, you know... And what does Sams do? He waves him around so the pee is going all over the place and laughs saying “Pee on Mommy, Baby Boy!” I look up at Trey and he is beaming with pride. And then I laugh too because I never would have dreamed that watching my son pee all over me would be one of the two most beautiful things I have ever seen.

19 May 2009


Tonight, Trey and I are checking in the hospital and will be meeting our sweet baby boy tomorrow. Hopefully, it won’t take as long as it took to bring his sister into this world. At my visit with Doc Sams yesterday, he told me my fluid level is steadily decreasing and he feels like it is best to go ahead and induce. I have mixed feelings about it. I really wanted to try to hold out and go into labor on my own, but I am so ready to hold sweet Baby Holden. And I am definitely ready to not be pregnant any more!

My emotions are bittersweet and I have to admit I am a bit nervous. I’m both excited and sad that the 3 of us will soon be the 4 of us. I’m nervous because I don’t want to go through the HOURS and HOURS of labor like I did with Maison. More so for Trey, than me, I think. I have vivid memories of seeing the nervousness on his face when I labored so long (19 hours) with her. Doc Sams assures me this one won’t take as long but I’m not holding my breath. I just hope I can get him out without a c-section.

Mom and Liz will be here shortly before we leave. They are going to take Mae to school tomorrow because I know she won’t make it all day sitting up at the hospital. We are just going to play it by ear to see when she will come up there.

06 March 2009


A few weeks ago, I got one of those e-mails where you are supposed to go through the list and put a check mark by all the things you have done. Skydive, been to Paris, eaten escargot. Give a eulogy... Today, I added another check mark to my list. I am posting the words I spoke here so that Maison and Holden will one day be able to go back and read about what Nana meant to all of us.

“Before I get started I’d like to thank each and every one of you for being here today. My grandmother was one of a kind and I know she touched each of your lives in a very special way.

I’d especially like to recognize our relatives, Martha and Suzie, from Chicago. Since none of the other nieces were able to make it, I can go ahead and tell you that you two were her favorite... just don’t tell the others, OK? Grandma was the last of the 6 DiMartino children and I know she is up there with Joe, Nick, John, Tony and Aunt Carm looking down and smiling that all of us cousins are together today.

I hope you will all bear with me through this as standing up here today is probably the hardest thing I have ever done in my life. My family has always joked with me about being overly emotional and I am going to try my best to prove them wrong today!

There is so much that can be said about this feisty little Italian lady. She was full of fun, spunk and spirit. She told it like it was. Except for my cousins John and Mark, I think all of us at some point heard her say “Hey. You’re getting a little tubby!” And then she put another meatball on our plate. She used to crawl in the floor and play with us when we were kids. She spoiled us all rotten and she never missed a beat in any of our lives.

Grandma loved her God and her church with all her heart. I remember after she recovered from her heart surgery 14 years ago, she started going to Mass every morning. 7 days a week. I questioned her about it and her response was “God gave me another chance at life and I think I owe him to go to Mass every day”. Her faith could move mountains.

She dedicated her life to the people she loved. Her family was her top priority. When I look back at the significant events in my life, Grandma and my Grandpa appear in every photograph in my memory. All 7 of us grandchildren played little league baseball or softball. And I think I can speak for all of them when I say that looking back over those memories of the ball park, one of my favorite recollections is seeing Nana sitting there in her lawn chair cheering us on... and every once in a while giving the umpire a piece of her mind! She and Grandpa never missed a moment with any of us. From the trips to three different houses every Christmas morning to the first communions, confirmations, graduations, weddings and births of great grandchildren, they were both always there. I have said for many years that my cousins, sister and I are all truly blessed to have been able to share our entire childhood and a good portion of our adult lives with both of our grandparents.

Nana taught me a lot about being a great mother. I have a feeling that Liz, Jim and my mom will tell you that she meant business and never let her kids run all over her, but that they all respected her as adults because of it. She would love you and love you and love you, but she’d set you straight too. As an adult I have admired the respect, love and dedication I have seen Jim, Liz and mom give to Grandma. But I know she earned it many years ago.

My grandparents were married 67 years ago this April. Wow. That is amazing to me. My Grandpa worked so hard to build a great life for this family and my grandmother stood beside him every step of the way. I remember being 16 years old at their 50th wedding anniversary party and watching them dance together. I always dreamed that my marriage would turn out to be at least half of what theirs has been. Together, they experienced so much. War... Hardships of starting a new business and building a family, wonderful times of great success and achieving their goals in life, moments of pride in their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren, heartache during times of loss, lasting friendships that have crossed generations of our family with generations of other families. It has been quite a full 67 years that should be a model to us all. And I promise you, Monsignor Rohling, that this is one love story that will be told.

In our family, Grandpa is the rock. He is the patriarch that has provided for all of us over the years. But, Grandma, she was the glue. She kept us all together. She made sure everyone always knew what was going on with the others and on holidays, birthdays and just random Sundays, she broke out that spaghetti sauce pot, whipped up a feast and made sure we all showed up. There were times during my teenage years that I will admit I thought I had better things to do, but what I’d give now for just one more of her Sunday lunches...

I know that my children will know exactly who my grandmother was because I will teach them all the things she taught me. I learned so much from her... how to make pasta and that you should never turn down dessert. She taught me that the Chicago Cubs are the only team in baseball worth cheering for and that Parisian was the only place to shop. Playing in her closet, I learned how to walk in high heels. She showed me that you love your children unconditionally, but you get on to them when they need it... same goes for your husband! But most importantly, she taught me that you should go to church and love your God and your family. Without that, all the other stuff does not mean much.

I know we are all hurting today... so saddened by the thought of not being able to pick up the phone and call her or stop by her house for a visit, but I am also so happy for her. Because I know that she is not suffering any more. I know that all the ways that her body failed her have been healed and I know that she is so very happy to be reunited with her parents and her siblings. And I take great comfort in that... all because over the years I have witnessed that faith I mentioned earlier... faith that could move mountains. Today she is reaping the benefits of every rosary she ever prayed.

So, thank you Nana, thank you for loving us all and for being the glue. We know you are not gone because there is a little piece of you in every member of this family. You have just gone ahead of the rest... I’d like to think to get heaven situated to your standards before we all get there! Mom and Michelle always tell me I am going to be just like you... I sure hope they are right. Rest well. We will miss you so much, but we love you even more.”

04 March 2009

A day I have feared for so long...

Today, a little piece of me died. On the way to take Maison to daycare, Mom called to tell me that my precious Nana is gone. I knew it was coming. I even knew it was soon. Mom and I talked about it. When they started pre-planning her funeral, I even told her that I wanted to be the one to speak at the funeral. As soon as the phone rang that early in the morning, I knew why. I thought I had prepared myself for this. The last time we were in Birmingham, I had said my peace with her. Made sure I looked her in the eye and told her I loved her. After each visit over the last few months, I knew that each time I drove away would quite possibly be the last time I saw her alive. But those words... “Melissa, she’s gone”... like a ton of bricks they hit me, sucking the air out of my lungs. I tried my best to hold it together until I got Maison into the daycare. Thank God for Denise and Paula. They saw the look on my face, scooped her up and got her in the classroom.

I got back in the car and couldn’t breathe. I was gasping for breath when I called Trey. Then my motherly instincts took over and forced myself to calm down. Holden needs me to stay calm through this. How am I going to make Maison understand this? And for that matter, how am I going to make myself understand? She was supposed to live forever...

11 February 2009

Disney ~ Day 2 ~ Part 1 ~ Animal Kingdom

This morning, the family went to the Animal Kingdom without me. The safari was the one thing Doc Sams made me promise him I would not get on. It is so bumpy I think he was afraid I would give birth in the Jeep. So, I went to the Disney Spa and had an amazing pregnancy massage. Afterwards, I met up with everyone at the Animal Kingdom and we spent the rest of the morning there. I don't think Mae will ever tire of standing in line to meet the characters. Goofy is, by far, her favorite.

12 December 2008

It's a...

BOY!!!! The Clampett's invaded the ultrasound room today and found out that our precious little bundle is a he! It was really quite amusing. I think it was the first time in my life that I have had an entourage. Literally. Mom, Dad, Mom, Sissy, Joe, Aunt Patsy & Uncle Dave. Plus me, Trey & the Ultrasound tech all crammed in that tiny room staring at that tiny screen to see that tiny you know what. (I'll probably get scolded by Daddy for calling it tiny!)

I think I had the best vantage point in the whole room. To lay on that table surrounded by the people in this world that I love the most and watching the sheer joy, excitement and emotion on all their faces was awesome.

After the ultrasound, Dr. Sams came into the exam room and asked if I was "the one with 26 people"... It sure is great to be that loved, huh?

06 December 2008

Happy Birthday to my Best Girl!

Three years old... How did the time go by so fast? My sweet Maison, you are the joy of our lives. Daddy and I love you beyond comprehension and are already so proud of you. The transformation over th past year has been truly amazing. You learned your ABC's, The Lord's Prayer, about a gazillion Christmas carols... You have grown "bigger and bigger" faster and faster than I ever imagined. People are always mistaking you for 4 years old.

Even at at such a young age, you are already showing a sweet spirit and a great big loving heart. Nothing melts anyone in this family more than when you wrap your little arms around our neck and say "I Love You So Much!"

The last three years have flown by. And they have, by far, been the best three years of my life! I love you, Doodlebug!

18 November 2008

Creating a Monster

Alabama Football has been awesome this year. Our Crimson Tide is 11-0 going into the off week before the Iron Bowl.

Over the course of the season, Daddy has taught our daughter what it means to truly love the Tide and to eat, sleep and breathe it for 4 months of the year.

She knows that Coach Saban is the coach. She can even pick him out on Sports Center. Ask her who her favorite player is and you will hear "Julio! Number 8!" She can even point him out on the TV screen. Big Al is her best friend. And just last week she finally understood that you don't just say "Roll Tide" during kick-off... It is "RRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLLLLLL TIDE ROLL!"

I have visions of that little girl in the movie "Remember the Titans". She is going to be 8 years old calling penalties and questioning play calls.

Now, if we can just teach her the "Rammer Jammer" song, I think our season will be considered a huge success!

05 November 2008

Text from the Teacher

Text from Miss Paula to Mommy: U should be very proud of MAE... We were sayin our morning prayers and today I asked them each to tell God thanks for something he has given them... After all the other kids went and thanked Him for toys and baby dolls... She looked at me and said... Thank you God for my mommy and daddy... AMEN! I was so happy to hear that.

Text from Mommy to Miss Paula: I am crying.

Text from Miss Paula to Mommy: I was about to... I’m glad a kid sees there is more than material things to be thankful for

Text from Mommy to Miss Paula: She is a good baby.

Text from Miss Paula to Mommy: She really is... Ya’ll are so blessed!

24 October 2008

Text from the Teacher

So today I forgot to turn my phone off before work and my sister called.... her ring tone is all summer long by kid rock.... Mae heard it and started freakin out! She was screamin... its my Alabama song... its my Alabama song... She was jumpin and screamin she was so excited I had to let her hear the whole ring tone...

Text from the Teacher

I’m playin Halloween songs for them to dance to and I start hearin this noise that sounds like wind blowin through the door... I get up and shut it to make sure it completely closed but I still hear the noise I look over at mae and she is smiling real big suckin and blowin air out of her toothe hole while chasing Maison k around the room... I would have never thought she could make such a noise... lol

22 October 2008

Little Daddy

Last night after bath time, I planned to relax on the couch, maybe even cuddle with Maison until bed time. She had different plans. She wanted to fix my hair...

Maison: Mommy I fix you hair.
Mommy: OK. (Laid my head on the sofa arm because I was so tired!)
Maison: Not like that, Mommy! Like this! (as she jerks my head up off the sofa arm)
Daddy: Yea, Mommy! Not like that!

Repeat this 4 or 5 more times. Daddy finally intervenes sensing that Mommy's nausea medicine induced grogginess is keeping it from being physically possible to keep my head off the sofa arm...

Daddy: Maison, why don't you come fix my hair?
Maison: Daddy, you don't have a lot of hair like my mommy! (I mean, duh?)
Daddy: I don't?
Maison: No, but when you get bigger and bigger, you will. You're little. (Goes back to torturing Mommy's head)

I appreciated the effort, honey. When you get big like me, maybe you will get some more hair!

20 October 2008

Guess what?

Maison Ann is going to be a BIG SISTER!!!!!!!!!!! Trey and I went to the doctor today and saw the baby's heartbeat. Doc Sams says everything looks great. The official due date for our new bundle of joy is June 5, 2009. Seems so far away, but I remember time flying when I was pregnant with Maison.
This pregnancy has been extremely different than the last. I have been sick, sick, sick... Everyone seems to think it is a stinky ol' boy this time.

30 September 2008

A Girl and Her Daddy...

Fall is in the air and the sunsets behind our house are so pretty...

12 September 2008

Text from the Teacher

"So we are sittin talkin about Adam and Eve... Goin through the whole story of God tellin them not to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge... After we finish our mini lesson i asked the class what did we learn from this story... Maison ann in the most serious voice i ever heard from her says... We don't eat apples. And I just ate one for a snack.... I laughed so hard at her... So now I had to explain that it is ok to eat apples... lol"

11 September 2008

Snaggle-Toothed Princess

Back in late June, maybe early July, Maison fell off our bed and whacked her front teeth on the corner of the nightstand. As I picked her up, I saw a perfect imprint of her 4 front teeth in the brand spankin' new furniture. When I got her calmed down enough to inspect her little mouth, her front tooth had a chip in it. Ugh... I was devastated. Took her to Dr. Jason and after x-rays, he told me what to watch for and pretty much said time would tell us the fate of the tooth.

As we were getting ready to leave the beach house yesterday, something about Maison's smile looked odd to me. I pushed her little lip up and touched the chipped tooth. It wiggled. I knew then that she was going to have to lose it. I called Dr. Jason after we got home and we went in this morning to see what was up. Another x-ray showed that the trauma from the previous fall had killed the roots, severed the blood supply and caused the tooth to separate from the root. It did, in fact have to come out. So, my poor little angel, had to put on the gas mask (which I could not see any calming affects whatsoever), get a shot in her tee tiny little gums and have that tooth snatched out of her head. And my job through all of this... hold her down while Dr. Jason used those big scary pliers to yank the tooth out. I remember crying the first time I got a shot at the dentist. I think I was 19 years old. So as my two year old lay on the table with the big shiny light in her face and the mask that blocked her from seeing the person in this world she trusts the most, I held her little arms and laid across her legs listening to her scream and cried right along with her. Maybe it was a good thing she could not see my face because I could not control the tears that were running down it. She quit crying about 36 seconds after it was over. All it took was a trip to Dr. Jason's prize box and she completely forgot what just happened. Mommy, though, cried for the next hour. The phone calls to Daddy, Bella, BeBe, my office and the daycare only prolonged the tears.

I might be a little biased, but even though she lost a tooth (and will not see a permanent one until about age 6), I think she gained some cutie patootie points...

10 September 2008

2nd Annual Family Beach Trip

September 5-10, 2008

Seagrove Beach, Florida

Mel, Trey, Maison, BeBe, Poppa J, Bella, Wiz, Andrea, Allie, Bubbie, Auntie Rach, Sissy, Joe Joe, Scott, Andy, Unk and Aunt Passy all headed to the beach for the 2nd Annual Family Beach trip. Good times, great weather, an awesome house... Can't wait until next year!

Maison and Allie building sandcastles... actually, Allie is building and Maison is supervising... someone does not like to get their hands dirty!

When Andrea and I were little, there was this doll called a "My Buddy" and the commercial had this song... "My Buddy, My Buddy, My Buddy and me like to climb up a tree, My Buddy and me we're the best friends there could be!" This pictures reminds me of that...

Cutie patootie strawberry swimsuit from Aunt Patsy...

Two Toddlers + One Beach House + Sharing toys for 5 days = Lots of time with noses in corners

18 August 2008

The Things Kids Say

Over the weekend:

Sunday lunch at Sassy's with Maw Maw, BeBe, Uncle Doug, Aunt Linda, Griffin, Mommy & Daddy.

Maw Maw: "Maison, would you like some of my baked beans?"
Maison: "Yaa-ya" (Yea has two syllables in Maisonese)
Maw Maw dips her out some beans onto a little plate and passes them over to Maison.
Maison: "Thanks, Maw Maw. Dat is so sweet."
I almost spit my tea across the table. And Maw Maw laughed so hard I was afraid she would fall out of her chair. Every time Maison shares anything, I tell her that is so sweet. I guess sometimes she is listening to me.

Sunday afternoon I was in the flowerbeds pulling weeds. Maison decided she was hungry and wanted a biscuit, so Daddy took her in to cook them. After supervising him putting them in the oven, she came back out side with me and very matter of factly started the following conversation:

Maison: "I gonna have sauce on my biscuit."
Mommy: "Butter?"
Maison: "No, Mommy! Sauce!" (stated in a tone that actually made me feel unintelligent)
Mommy: "Jelly?"
Maison: (lets out a an exasperated sigh) "No, Mommy! Panny-cake sauce on my biscuit!!!!"
Mommy stifling laughter: "That is called syrup baby!"

After a ride in the pasture to check on the cows Maison comes running back in the house.

Maison: "A cow is a gwirl, bull's a boy!"
Daddy stands behind her beaming with pride. Paw Paw is smiling down from heaven. All is right in Vancleave today.

13 August 2008

Happy Birthday, Joe Joe!

Today is Uncle Joey's birthday. 29 years ago, this world became a much more "special" place...

Happy Birthday, Joe Joe! We love you!

Some Days...

All I want to do is kiss her sweet little face!!!

12 August 2008

Sweet Home Alabama Day 2

My grandparents have had the same kitchen table for over 40 years. It is a pretty large oval shaped table that has a pedestal base. There is a platform on the pedestal that, according to my grandmother, became a play place for children starting with my oldest cousin, David. The 6 of us that followed him sat under this table eating snacks, hiding, giggling with each other. My cousin closest in age is Andrea. I have memories of sitting under the table with her as a child. Andrea has a daughter named Allie that is about 3 and a half months older than Maison. Let's just say that the next generation of our family has discovered the kitchen table and all the fun involved in crawling under it.

Maison was all about Paw Paw on this trip. She did not want to be anywhere but upstairs with him. She helped him read the paper and showed him every little trick she could think of to get his attention all weekend. That was one happy little old man!

When it came time to get in the car to leave, Maison threw a fit. She cried and screamed that she did not want to go home. "I stay in Bir-min-ham with Nana PawPaw!" Next thing I knew, I had a crying toddler and a crying 88 year old lady on my hands. I sure felt like the bad guy strapping her in that car seat and pulling out of the driveway.

We got to have a quick lunch with Chuck, Kari, Lucy and Charley before leaving town. It warms my heart to see my child loving the children of someone I love beyond words.

09 August 2008

Sweet Home Alabama Day 1

Maison and I traveled to the Ham this weekend since Daddy is in the Big Easy for a bachelor party. I was a little nervous about the trip because this was the first one with a fully potty trained toddler. Plus, it was just us girls. MAE did great. We made two pit stops on the way up and she stayed awake the entire trip never getting cranky.

We got a chance to go see some cousins we have not spent time with in a while. Maison met Bunny and Harry at Sissy and Joe's wedding, but it was quick, she was only one and there were about a gazillion other people around. After our visit this weekend, I think they will be BFF. Not only did they buy her a new Disney Princess cell phone, but Bunny loaded her up with sugar while we were there. I think Maison ate her weight in donut holes! Bunny and Harry's son is named Tres and he is married to a sweet, sweet lady named Lisa. I remember as a "tween" thinking my cousin Tres was the coolest thing since sliced bread. He was a big bad football stud and I thought he was what every high school boy should be! Then when he went off to college and met Lisa, I thought she was the coolest girl I had ever met and I wanted to be just like her when I got to college. She even let me borrow a dress for a middle school dance. I made sure everyone there knew I was wearing a dress that belonged to a "college girl". Now, Big Bad Tres and Super Cool Lisa have two sons. Brent, is a sophomore in high school and Brandon is about to start college. Brandon and Brent came by to see us on Saturday and I was just amazed at how awesome they were. Two teenage boys should have no interest in spending time with long lost cousins, but those two were so nice and polite, you would have never thought they would have rather been somewhere else. I almost fainted when Brent called me "Ma'am" and then realized that to a 15 year old boy, I was a "Ma'am". I've got to give my cuz some credit... he raised two mighty fine boys... which says a lot for teenagers in this day and age. It gives me hope that, if parents do their job, kids can grow up to be good and decent. So, Tres and Lisa, you might be getting some phone calls for parenting tips from me in the future...

Bunny had a special surprise for me too. My Paw Paw passed away about 6 months before Trey and I got married. He was awesome. And I miss him a lot. It makes me sad that Maison won't know him except for stories she hears from me or my sister. And I wish he would have lived to have been able to see where I ended up. He might have moved in with us if he had ever seen the cabin. There was one item of his I always wanted, but never got my hands on. Turns out, Bunny had a copy and gave me this:

That is Pat Dye, my Paw Paw and The Bear on a hunting trip. I know that most of you reading this blog did not need me to tell you that. I don't know what year it was taken but it was at Paw Paw's hunting lodge. The first place I went upon leaving Bunny and Harry's was Target to get a frame for the picture. It now sits in it's place of honor on top of the armoire in our living room and has been added to the list of things that must be grabbed as we run out of our house should it ever catch fire.

Thank you, Bunny. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You have no idea...

08 August 2008

The Night the Lights Went Out in Vancleave

We had a pretty intense thunderstorm last night and the power went out. This was the first storm that I can recall the power going out since Maison has become keenly aware of "unner" (thunder). Usually if we hear thunder, I can just pump up the volume on the TV or turn on the radio and she forgets about it. Without electricity though, there was no distracting her from the thunder and with no lights, she really noticed the lightening.

We lit candles and sat in the living room hoping the power would come on soon. Trey was most fearful that we would sweat to death in our sleep with no air conditioning. I was not finished packing for our trip to Birmingham this afternoon, so I was hoping it would come on soon so I could finish up.

In an attempt to distract Maison and keep her from getting scared, we called just about everyone we know. She talked to Grant and Miss Tommie, G-Daddy Dave and Passy. She tried to call Bella but did not get an answer.

The first thing she said to me this morning was "The lights out and unner coming and I bow out da cannel!" Miss Cindy got the same earful as soon as I got the door open to the daycare.

On another subject, school started back this week and Maison has been extremely excited to see the school buses on the road in the mornings. The last two days, Miss Cindy has been letting her go with when she walks the "big kids gowin to big scoo" to the bus stop. The look on Maison's face when she goes out there with Cindy makes me think the thoughts in her little head are something like this: "I da mos portant ittle kid in dis daycare cause I getta to walk da big kids to the scoo bus. I gonna be a big kid on the scoo bus before my mommy can blink her eye."

I have also been amazed lately at how much her language is developing and we are actually able to carry on conversations with her. Last night we were watching TV and there was a make-up commercial or something and she looked at the woman on the TV and said "Her gots blue eyes like me mommy." Trey and I just looked at each other and then I asked her when she got so smart. Then she crawled up in Trey's lap and said, "Your eyes hazel, Daddy!" Trey's jaw about hit the floor. We have told her his eyes are hazel in the past, but it has been weeks if not months since that conversation.

We have also been working on her "listening" and "minding". This is one child that cannot stand to be told no. And shame on us for not telling her more often. But she is finally starting to get it. I have put my foot down about her sitting in my lap while I eat dinner. She sits in the chair right next to me and stares the entire time I eat. As soon as I push my plate away, she smiles that smile and says "You food awl gone, Mommy. I sit in your whap now?" When the crying fits do happen, we have found that most of the time we can send her to her room and when she calms down, she'll come out saying, "I done cryin' now" and then it is over. Sometimes she will test the waters and yell back "You not tell me no, Mommy/Daddy!" Recently I responded "Oh yes I will because I am the boss!" Screaming, she responds "No you not! I DA BOSS!" As much as it pains me to say it and I sure would never tell her this, but she sure is right...

07 August 2008

Pumping Iron... Part II

Seth stood me up. First he tries to kill me and then he stands me up. I am not feeling the love from him. Turns out he had to head back to USM a day early because he got a phone call from a friend that someone stole his bed out of his dorm room. I have fond memories of those times that the most stressful thing on my mind was something similar to figuring out how to steal a bed from a dorm room. Back in those days I did not need a Seth. I could eat pizza at midnight and still look halfway decent in a bikini the next day.

I think I did him proud. I made it through the workout and even tacked on 5 extra minutes of cardio.

Trey made sure he asked me if I needed help getting out of the bed before he left for work this morning. Such a thoughtful husband I have.

Looks like my relationship with Seth was short and I definitely would not call it sweet. He did leave me the name of another trainer to continue my sessions with... such a thoughtful young man, huh?

Oh, and by the way, I made it out of the bed unassisted... barely. Climbing the stairs to my office felt like what I imagine climbing Mt. Everest would be like though.

06 August 2008

Pumping Iron

I've always wanted to be a real runner. You know, one of those people that LOVE to run and feel like their day was not complete if they didn't. I do enjoy it for the most part, but even after all these years of making myself do it, it is still a chore. I have good months and bad months with it and seem to jump on and off the wagon. I have found myself slowly sliding off the wagon lately for one reason and one reason only:
South Mississippi+August+Running=Death from Heat Exhaustion
So, rather than kill myself every day after work at the track, I decided to go back to the gym I belonged to prior to getting pregnant to get some good exercise IN THE AIR CONDITIONING! Now that my MIL (mother-in-law) is retired, she has been picking Maison up from school almost every day and this allows me those extra few minutes I need to justify the expense of a gym membership.
Being that it had been 3+ years since I went, I was no longer in the gym's computer system and was therefore considered a "new member". New members are entitled to 3 free personal training sessions. Sweet. I had decided I needed to incorporate some weight training into my exercise regimen, because whether I want to admit it or not, I am getting older and things just aren't the way they used to be...
Monday was Day #1 with Seth. Seth is an early 20's former college football player at the University of Southern Mississippi. He has long hair (think Fabio) and is built like a brick-poop-house. The dude is a competitive body builder. On our first day together, we worked arms. After we finished, Seth asked how I felt about the workout and I said, "Good. I think I could have handled more for sure." He explained to me that mommies usually do fine with arm workouts because they are always lifting their children. Makes sense to me. Being the nice guy that he is, Seth assured me that this workout did not have to count toward my 3 free sessions since he was just showing me around. I thought "What a nice guy. Awesome. I will really get 4 sessions!"
Yesterday was day #2 with Seth... official training session #1. When I got there, he asked me what I wanted to work and I said legs. We started with leg extensions. OK. The last few reps of each set burned, but I made it. Then we moved on to what Seth jokingly referred to as the "Yes/No Machine". You basically sit on the machine and push the weights open and closed with your thigh muscles... I am glad I wore capri length pants for this workout instead of shorts. This was not the most lady like machine in the joint! After finishing 4 sets, I felt good. Seth assured me it wasn't over yet. We moved on to this contraption that had my hind parts straight up in the air doing donkey kicks... I seriously doubt the other patrons appreciated the view, but whatever it takes to get those buns of steel, right? Then we did what Seth called a "Super Set" where I jumped off the donkey kick machine and onto the leg press with no rest and repeat this cycle 4 times. About halfway through the 3rd "Super Set", I noticed what looked like little devil horns sprouting out of that long mane of hair on Seth's head. But I endured, completed the sets and even did a couple of extra reps on the last set for good measure. I thought we were done. Nope. Still have to do lunges. Seth casually strolls next to me chit chatting as I lunge my way the length of the gym and back. About halfway back on the 4th set of lunges, I wobbled a little and Seth asked if I was OK. "What makes you think I'm tired? Did see that little wobble? I'm tired, but I'll make it." I mean, I am not the most coordinated person when it comes to balance in the first place. Seth tells me he was just checking because last week he had a lady lose her balance and fall over on the floor. I told him that if that happened, I promised that while I was laying on the floor unable to get up, I would be the first person in the gym to laugh hysterically and that I would not be mad at him for making me embarrass myself in front of all the meatheads lifting 6 times their body weight. I made it through the 4 sets of lunges without kissing the carpet, but I am telling you that walk to the cooler for my bottle of water felt about as stable as the first few steps to the bathroom when my epidural finally started wearing off after 22 hours of labor. Lucky me, I still had cardio to do!
I have always heard the second day after a work out is when the soreness really sets in. Judging by the effort it has taken for me to stand up and sit down today, I think I might have a problem tomorrow.
Signing off now... My next date with Seth starts in 20 minutes. Hopefully my fingers won't be too sore to update tomorrow.

30 July 2008

Pop Go The Wiggles!

Took Maison over to Mobile last night to see the Wiggles with Mary & Molly, Mo & Lucy and Emily & John... She had a great time. We stopped at Target and got a bone for Wags the Dog. I fully expected MAE to jump up and down and dance the entire concert, but she proved me wrong. She sat in my lap and stared at the stage in an almost scary trance... The only time she showed some excitement was when Wags came out. She looked at me frantically and said, "BONE!!!!!" Then started grabbing for the bag. Once she got it, she held it up in the air hoping Wags would spot her in the crowd and come get it. No such luck. I thought she had forgotten about it until we were leaving and she looked at my like her little heart was crushed and said, "Mommy, Wags no get my bone for him." I quickly responded that he called me on my cell phone and said we should take it home to Bama. She smiled and said "OK." Man, I am good!
Here are a couple of pictures. She has been sick for the last week or so and was pretty worn out toward the end of the show. Not to mention that I think they forgot to turn the air conditioner on in the Mobile Civic Center. It was about 90 degrees in there. Our child takes after her father in that she is extremely hot natured. I think she must have felt it was way too hot to dance!

24 July 2008

Text from the Teacher

"So mrs cindy picked me up a simple polo dress today and when i tried it on i went to show jennifer for her opinion... Mae looks at me and puts her little hands over her chest and says 'oh my goodness i love it... i have to have me one of those...' it was so flippin' cute!"

15 July 2008

Bed Bugs

Aunt Sissy frequently has stories about Joe Joe and the "entertainment" he sometimes provides while he is sleeping. She has been awoken to him freaking out that there were bugs in the bed or people trying to come in the window. He talks nonsense and has even snatched all her covers and demanded that she get up. I think the most humorous stories involve what Joe refers to as his "Jimmy Legs"... Once Michelle not-so-calmly-or-politely explains to him that he is dreaming, his response kind of goes like this: "Oh. There are not bugs in the bed. Ok, Michelle." Then his head hits the pillow and he is back out. Michelle, on the other hand, has to spend 30 minutes waiting for her blood pressure to return to normal before going back to sleep.

I know that is biologically impossible for Maison to have inherited what I call Joe's "Jimmy Leg Gene", but somehow, through the miracle of the universe, she did... The other day, she was crying that there was a seal in her bedroom. It was actually a black shirt wadded up on the floor next to her closet. If you look back to this post you will notice that Maison's sheets are white with little black polka dots. On more than one occasion, the "Jimmy Leg Gene" has caused her to wake up in the middle of the night screaming "Ladybugs in my bed, Mommy!" And I am not talking about just loudly explaining to me that her bed is infested with ladybugs. I am talking about blood-curdling-hysterical-my-hair-is-on-fire screaming. It startles me awake so fiercely that I literally make it from my bed to her bedside without my feet ever touching the floor. Once I gently explain to her that the "ladybugs" are actually polka dots, she looks at me and says "Oh. Polka dots on my sheets. Okay, Mommy." Then her head hits the pillow and she is back out. Mommy, on the other hand, has to spend 30 minutes waiting for her blood pressure to return to normal before going back to sleep.

I spent my lunch hour at Belk purchasing new sheets... without polka dots... Joe, you owe me $42.79 since your gene caused this problem.

14 July 2008

Are you there, God? It's me, Maison...

Yesterday, Maison was the only child at church. So she had 100% of Brother Robbie's attention when it came time for the Children's Moment. Robbie began telling her the story of two brothers named Esau and Jacob. She responded by looking around the church and asking him "Where are dey?"

Later in the service, during the sermon, she crawled up in my lap, opened the Bible like she was reading it and said "Dear God..." I was not too sure how loud she had said it until after the service, the lady that plays the piano came up to me and said, "I heard her sweet little voice say 'Dear God' and I sure wish I could have recorded it!"

13 July 2008

Rollin' on the River

Maison and I had our first outing to the river yesterday. Miss Tommie and her husband "Gant" invited us up to their camp for a day of swimming at the sand bar. Mommy being a transplanted, albeit well-adapted city girl, was a little apprehensive. I have a phobia of being in water that does not allow me to see my feet. And south Mississippi has alligators. However, I must admit that the vision of swampy banks and gators lurking all around, were way off from actuality! We had a great time. Maison was so worn out that she fell asleep in the car before we even really got out of the driveway. I checked the clock and noted the time as 5:24 because I did not want her to sleep too long and keep us up all night. I put her in her bed when we got home and at 7:30 I thought I would see if I could wake her and occupy her until about ten-ish. She very crankily said "Lee me lone, Mommy!" So I walked out and when Trey and I went to bed at ten, I had visions of her waking up for the next day at 4 AM. Not so much... she slept until 7:45 this morning!!!! 14 hours. Play hard, sleep harder!

10 July 2008

Happy Birthday, Aunt Wiz!

Today is Aunt Liz's, or as Maison calls her "Wiz", birthday. Happy Birthday to you! We love you tons and wish we could be there to celebrate with you.

09 July 2008

4th of July

CHAOS!!!! We had a crazy, crowded, but super fun 4th of July weekend. I am just now recovering. BeBe and Poppa J held their "sort of kind of annual only when the 4th falls on a weekend" pool party and we had a house full of people. Sissy & Joe Joe, Lynch and Aaron, Uncle Andy, Christie, Bubbie & Rach, Aunt Patsy and Uncle Dave...

Maison woke up the morning of the 4th a little before 7 o'clock. She stayed in the pool ALL DAY, refused her nap and made it until 8:30 that night before crashing! Thanks to Miss Alice for all the fun paints and colors and Miss Connie for all of the nifty toys. I think you guys kept her from becoming the "No Nap Monster"!

Here's a few pics. The cutie patootie dress MAE is wearing is an Aunt Patsy original.

May the lobster float rest in peace. It was not made for a man of Bubbie's stature... I bought a whale to replace it... Daddy was not a fan of Maison's "kini"... thought she was showing too much skin!

30 June 2008

Bella's Birmingham

We took a trip to Birmingham (or Bella's Birmingham as Maison refers to it) over the weekend to see the daughter of Maison's godparents get married. It was Maison's first wedding and she loved it. Mommy loved it once the ceremony was over. About 36 seconds after the usher seated us, Maison declared she had to go potty. It did not matter that we made a special trip to the restroom immediately prior to being seated. Once we returned, it was time for the ceremony to begin. She had to stand up in my lap to see what was going on when G-Daddy Dave walked his mom down the aisle. She kind of whispered his name like she was unsure if she was supposed to be the center of his attention at that moment... because normally when he is in the same room as she is, the center of his attention is exactly where she would be. I think it confused her a bit that his attention was focused elsewhere. Then came time for the mother of the bride to make her entrance. As soon as she saw G-Daddy Dave with a stunning Aunt Passy on his arm she raised her voice a little and said "Passy!" and waved wildly in an attempt to get her attention. Passy did not hear her, but the few rows in front of and behind us got a good chuckle out of it. As the bride walked the aisle, Maison looked at me and said "Her Cinnerella, Mommy!" And I do have to say, that wedding dress was fit for a princess.

Then, it happened... Just before the bride was given away Maison declared, " Mommy! I have to go pot-" My hand went over her mouth before she got the last syllable out. To me, it sounded like she was shouting at the top of her lungs. Our friends seated in the row behind us assured me they did not hear anything. I'm just hoping the videographer's microphone did not pick it up! Montie, if it did, I AM SO SORRY!

We made it through the rest of the ceremony without incident... thanks to Mr. Maurice and the tee tiny little flashlight he pulled out of his pocket and gave to MAE. She forgot about the potty and Mommy got to enjoy the rest of the wedding.

Note to self: Future children should not be taken to weddings during the most intense phase of potty training unless Mommy wants to spend more time in the restroom than at the reception.

24 June 2008

Happy Birthday, Maw Maw!

The family went to lunch on Sunday to celebrate Maw Maw's birthday, however, she and Maison still had their own little party after school today. By the time I got to Maw Maw's to pick her up, she had downed 3 donuts. But that is what grandmothers are supposed to do... feed them lots of sugar and then send them home to Mommy & Daddy, right?

Happy Birthday, Maw Maw! We sure hope this year is as good as those donuts...

22 June 2008

Pedicure Party

Last night after our return from "Dolphin Island" we had a pedicure party for the girls.

It was Maison's first time to polish her toes and fingernails. She loved it. Thank goodness for "dry in 60 seconds" nail polish!

Today at the family lunch outing to celebrate Maw Maw's upcoming birthday, she proudly showed of her "so pretty" fingers and toes.

Life's a Beach!

Took a trip to Dauphin Island today. It was the first time at the beach for Charley and the first time this year for Maison. We looked like the Clampett's because we were packed into the Expedition like sardines. Three car seats, an almost teenager, 4 adults, 4 beach chairs, countless towels, two coolers, plastic shovels, buckets, sand castle molds and dry clothes for all 8 of us. With gas being so outrageous these days, we decided we would just cram everything in and prop our feet up on the assorted junk instead of spending the extra cash to take two vehicles!

Lucy was so ready to get to "Dolphin Island"... I think she had visions of some magical place where dolphins jumped from the water and ate cheese puffs out of your hand. As you can see from the pictures below, Maison was more interested in the popsicles we had stashed in the cooler. I lost count after she ate the fifth one. And before anyone jumps my case about feeding her 47 popsicles, please note that they were sugar free!

Happy Summer!

21 June 2008

Two Mommy's with a Bloody Mary

This morning, I snuck into the guest room while everyone was asleep and told Kari to get up and get dressed. She looked at me with a puzzled look, but did as I said. We left her kids watching cartoons or sleeping and dropped MAE off at school... which was not easy! She did not want to go to school because she knew Charley, Lucy and Molly were still at our house. With Kari still unaware of what we were doing, I drove us to the Hard Rock in Biloxi. As we pulled in to the valet area, Kari looked at me and said, "I know we aren't going gambling!" I laughed and said, "Not at 8:30 in the morning!" After we got inside I told her we were going to the spa for massages. Kari is more than a friend to me, she is a sister and we NEVER get to spend time together that does not also involve wiping noses, changing diapers or filling sippy cups. Since her birthday is coming up in July, I thought this would be a great chance to treat her (and me!) to some much needed, very deserved pampering.

After massages, we headed over to a little restaurant where we sat outside on the deck and enjoyed the sunshine, each other's company, great food and a few Bloody Mary's. Before we knew it, we realized we had been there for over 2 hours and that it was past the time we told the youngun's we'd be back to take them swimming.

We got home and took the rug rats to the pool for a while. Then just hung out at home that night. We've got a big day at the beach planned tomorrow! Look out Dauphin Island, here we come!!!!!

P.S. Kari... this day was my favorite day of your visit. I loved everything we did the entire weekend, but I will cherish the few hours we got to get away from all the chaos! I love you.

19 June 2008

Soakin' Fun at Gulf Islands Waterpark!!!!

Our BFF's from the Ham, Chuck and Kari and their 3 girls, checked into the Evans Inn last night. Molly is 12 and Trey almost fainted when she got out of the car. He has not seen her in 2 years and was shocked at how she has grown! Miss Lucy is 5 and getting ready to start kindergarten in the Fall. Mom Kari is so not ready for that. And Sweet Little Charley just turned 2 last month. I took today and tomorrow off to spend some quality time with some of my most favorite peeps...

Our first adventure of the weekend was to head over to the Gulf Islands Waterpark. A HUGE thank you to Uncle Scott for hooking us up with the VIP treatment for the day. We stayed 6 hours... yes, you read that right... 6 hours with two toddlers! They were in heaven. By the end of the day MAE was walking up the steps to the water slide in slow motion, but don't think she didn't fight me kicking and screaming when we decided it was time to head home!

Needless to say, the only one's still awake when we pulled out of the parking lot were Chuck, Kari, Molly and me!